If Democrats REALLY are worried about the American People…

By Altagracia Vásquez / Puerto Rico, Wake up!

http://McConnell Blocks Unanimous Consent Request to Increase Stimulus Checks to $2,000 (theepochtimes.com)

WHY Schumer called Republicans out when the Democrats put $600 on the Stimulus Bill in the first place? He is acting like the Democrats are the first to ask for $2,000. No. It was President Trump on the behalf of the American People, who are out of work and lost their businesses, who push for the American People to have $2,000 and stop all of our money to go to foreign countries for worthless causes while we are struggling during this pandemic caused by the China coronavirus or planned by the CCP Chinese Communist Party along with these radical Democrats, who are taking advantage of the American People with mandates orders and shutdowns. If Schumer – along with corrupted Democrats and Rhinos in Congress – are so worried about American People losing their homes, going hungry, etc then
*socialism should stop;
*open our country and businesses;
*stop the shutdown and get American People back to work;
*build up our American businesses and aid them;
*build up our economy and help Made in USA prosperous;
*STOP funding to foreign countries for useless and worthless causes;
*ban & investigated China/CCP;
*STOP Chinese interference, collusion & spies from infiltrating in our American businesses and government and stealing our American businesses’ ideas, proposals, and rights.
*STOP banning therapeutic medicine especially HCQ hydroxychloroquine and doctors & nurses who report the truth of what is going on with this coronavirus and give true health information & prevention and the prescription for the American People to RECOVER from the Chinese coronavirus.
*work with President Trump;
*look into the fraud election;
*look into political, foreign, and companies corruptions and violations;
*look into social and liberal news media civil rights violation against the American People and their abuse of power & position.
*and STOP lying to American People!

Puerto Rico, Wake up! Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.
No claims to any music video, documentary video, store website, or public report. They shared information for discussion and view. The people who made these videos public and have shared them with the world. This post blog and article are also public and for sharing.

Is the American People the Ones to Drain the Swamp?

By Altagracia Vásquez / Puerto Rico, Wake Up!

Enough Is Enough

Wait… Republican Senator McConnell, with ties to China businesses through his Chinese wife, said that the $2,000 for the AMERICAN PEOPLE during this time of struggle… and $2,000 or any money they are budgeting with IS OUR MONEY… is “borrowing money from our grandkids for socialism for the rich”???

First of all, our grandkids – unlike his grandkids – won’t have money to earned or have if we continue with this tyranny economy shutdown; people staying home and not being productive; children and young adults not being well educated and skilled; and if Biden is elected into the office of the Presidency.

Second, what do you call giving our money to foreign countries for useless and unworthy causes? Special self-interest? Most of these foreign countries are Socialist and Communist, who hate America and want to destroy and take control of America and its resources. That would make these corrupted politicians in Congress with special self-interest that they profit from with Communist and Socialist foreign countries – TRAITORS. They are not for, by and of the American People and sold us and our country out for profit.

Third, our lives and our children’s lives and future will be to the advantage of Communist China or any foreign country that wants to take over. That means Congress has endangered our lives and future and the sovereignty of our country.

These Rhinos in Senate should focus and work with President Trump as Republican Senator Lindsay Graham on getting the American People $2,000 to live on, getting the American People back to work for us to be productive and provide income to take care of ourselves and revenue for our country. They need to focus on recovery over Chinese coronavirus and medicine that helps in recovering- not banning and censoring medicine and medical information.

Congress needs to get their acts together and work for th American People and not for themselves and not for their special interest such as China Communist Party. Thye need to work on getting this country back on its feet and move forward as a Republic nation under capitalism – not under socialism. It is our right to pursue our happiness – not taken it away.

Does Congress not understand that the civil war revolution coming is about Congress tyrants, traitors, corruption, and propaganda (along with big tech and liberal news media) and how they allowed our country to fall and been under control by domestic terrorists, tyrants, traitors, China Communist Party?

So. Rhino Senator Mitch McConnell is the latest Congress member to have his property vandalized for pushing back the American People in the corner and blocking much needed $2,000, Stimulus Bill but allowed illegal immigrants to get more than the American People $600 and foreign countries to get billions of our money for worthless causes.

GOOD!!!! – I bet it was a Democrat on welfare or unemployed who rather be unemployed than work. GOOD!!! He will have no support from any American People on both the Republican and Democrat parties! Do they not see a Civil War Revolution coming because of their self-interest and pushing us back to being a third world country under socialism and communism?

House Speaker Democratic Nancy Pelosi’s house was also vandalized because people are being evicted. California already has a high rate of homeless people long before the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Jamal talked about stepping up. That is what we must do.
Mind of Jamal – The Black Southerner https://youtu.be/g6H7aCYADHU

Puerto Rico, Wake up! Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.
No claims to any music video, documentary video, store website, or public report. They shared information for discussion and view. The people who made these videos public and have shared them with the world. This post blog and article are also public and for sharing.

President Trump signed 2.3 trillion dollars in relief and spending bills for the American People.

By Altagracia Vasquez / Puerto Rico, Wake up!

President Trump signed 2.3 trillion dollars in relief and spending bills for the American People.
… and he is working hard to get more money for the American People.

Read the president’s whole statement on the signing of the bill here:

“As President of the United States, it is my responsibility to protect the people of our country from the economic devastation and hardship that was caused by the China Virus.

I understand that many small businesses have been forced to close as a result of harsh actions by Democrat-run states. Many people are back to work, but my job is not done until everyone is back to work.

Fortunately, as a result of my work with Congress in passing the CARES Act earlier this year, we avoided another Great Depression. Under my leadership, Project Warp Speed has been a tremendous success, my Administration and I developed a vaccine many years ahead of wildest expectations, and we are distributing these vaccines, and others soon coming, to millions of people.

As President, I have told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks per adult and $600 per child.

As President, I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act provides that, “whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided, or that such budget authority should be rescinded for the fiscal policy or other reasons (including termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message” describing the amount to be reserved, the relevant accounts, the reasons for the rescission, and the economic effects of the rescission. 2 U.S.C. § 683.

I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.

I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more.

On Monday the House will vote to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000. Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200. Additionally, Congress has promised that Section 230, which so unfairly benefits Big Tech at the expense of the American people, will be reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed.

Likewise, the House and Senate have agreed to focus strongly on the very substantial voter fraud which took place in the November 3 Presidential election.

The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.

Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230!

Voter Fraud must be fixed!

Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!”

The Epoch Times reported:

“President Donald Trump on Sunday evening signed the $2.3 trillion pandemic relief and spending bill after reaching an agreement with Congress over stimulus checks, Section 230, and voter fraud, the White House said.

Trump’s signing of the bill, which includes a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package, means a partial government shutdown is now averted, while financial aid for Americans will be delivered.”

So. Did they give the President a deal to “look into voting fraud” which we know they will not do anything but waste our money again in exchange for leaving the proposals to send billions to foreign countries? If so, I would have rather just veto the bill until there is no money going to any foreign countries and let the wonderful legal teams of Rudy Gulliani and Sidney Powell investigate voter fraud and sue.

We’ll see. More updates this Monday, tomorrow.

Puerto Rico, Wake Up! Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.
No claims to any music video, documentary video, store website, or public report. They shared information for discussion and view. The people who made these videos public and have shared them with the world. This post blog and article are also public and for sharing.

Once Again Democratic Representatives in Congress Got It Twisted

By Altagracia Vasquez / Puerto Rico, Wake Up!

“It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” – President Trump

Once again, Democratic Representatives in Congress got it twisted… It’s not the Republicans or Pres Trump who are not getting the job done by giving the American People stimulus funds. It’s these Democrats who wasted their time and our money! They produced 600 pages for a weak, unconstructive, unproductive, ineffective proposal bill on funding billions of dollars to foreign countries during a pandemic and our economic shutdown and while Americans are unemployed or not in school and stuck at home. Didn’t we tell you that the socialist liberal media and Socialist Democrats were not going to continue their propaganda of the coronavirus? But instead, focus on their kickbacks and selling out to China and other foreign countries, entities, and individuals.

Just because the Democrats and some Rhinos agreed with President Trump and honest Republican representatives, who support and work with Pres Trump for quite a while now, with the President demand of $2,000 for American People does not mean that it is still on the table and acceptable to give billions or any funds to foreign countries. “Cut the pork” means NO funds to foreign countries. Cut the BS, Democrats!

As reported in The Epoch Times, December 27, 2020 – Dingell: House Appears Poised to Approve Trump-backed $2,000 Stimulus Checks: https://www.theepochtimes.com/rep-dingell-house-appears-poised-to-pass-trump-backed-2000-stimulus-checks_3633520.html?utm_source=share-btn-copylink&st=glxpTikc0-hOo1bfBJEu_-joaeBnZaUGK6kNp2dOaXAEVNjKZEx_h_ZTLKcvWSo5exvYB50r6vy54718-ICYsoTFBkEgU9-cUpA
“The House of Representatives appears poised to pass the measure that would send $2,000 stimulus checks to most Americans, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) said Saturday. The measure was called for by President Donald Trump. The measure was called for by President Donald Trump.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) on Saturday said Republicans should even back ongoing direct payments.
“I wanted quite frankly $2,000 a month, $2,000 a month until the end of the pandemic. Now Donald Trump comes up with $2,000. Well, great, we support that,” Lee said on MSNBC’s “Cross Connection.” “Do you think Republicans supported that? No. And so we’re going to keep working because, people can’t afford to live, like, on the edge.”
Also on Saturday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Trump should sign the government spending package while Trump reiterated his call for $2,000 checks.
“I simply want to get our great people $2,000, rather than the measly $600 that is now in the bill. Also, stop the billions of dollars in ‘pork,’” Trump wrote on Twitter.”

Pres Trump said $2,000 billion to American People and NO to billions or any funds to foreign countries at this time! NO IS NO! It is NOT up for discussion or negotiable. AMERICAN FIRST!

The Epoch Times report also went on stating:
“I’m not quite sure, I think everybody’s trying to figure out the parliamentary procedure, but I do believe it’ll pass the House,” she added. “So, Mr. President, talk to your Republican Senate, talk to your Republican leader. Let’s get this done for the American people.”
Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said Republicans would support the upped payments if Pelosi agrees to remove some of the so-called pork from the $1.4 trillion government funding package. Funding for “gender programs” in Pakistan is an example critics have used.
Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package and the government funding package last week. Afterward, Trump asked Congress to remove some of the questionable spendings in the funding package and increase the amount of the direct payments.

“What the president is saying is, make America first. Make America the priority. So stop funding foreign projects in a COVID relief bill, knock that out, and take that money and use it to fund the—and give the American people a $2,000 check. If Nancy Pelosi does that, I think she’ll get overwhelming Republican support,” Buck said on “Fox & Friends.”

Perhaps the Democratic American People should talk to their Democratic representatives that this is NOT the time to give billion to any foreign countries until our country is “open for business” if the Democratic American People want their funds and benefits.

The blaming game…

According to the Epoch Times, “Republicans have accused Pelosi and other Democrats of ignoring the president’s request to cut down on foreign aid and other items critics say aren’t necessary.

Pelosi has said Republicans should back the increased payments because of the financial hardship many Americans are facing amid the harsh restrictions imposed by governors and other officials during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

… and hopefully, it sinks into the minds of every American citizen.
There should be NO funds going to foreign countries at this time. Once our economy is going and every American is settled MAYBE talk about foreign deals. MAYBE. America First.

President Trump, the LION, is doing his job as President of the USA, elected by the American People for, by, and of the American People, RIGHT!

Puerto Rico, Wake up! Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.
No claims to any music video, documentary video, store website, or public report. They shared information for discussion and view. The people who made these videos public and have shared them with the world. This post blog and article are also public and for sharing.

For the Democrat Party – Foreign Interest before the American People of the USA Is MORE IMPORTANT.

By Altagracia Vasquez / Puerto Rico, Wake Up!

For the Democrat Party foreign interest before the American People of the USA is MORE IMPORTANT to get personal and business foreign sweet deals and investments using their positions… whether it’s for themselves, their spouse, their relatives, their friends, their colleagues, or simply for votes.

The Epoch Times reported: https://www.theepochtimes.com/bipartisan-covid-19-and-omnibus-spending-bill-enrolled-sent-to-trump-pelosi_3632152.html?utm_source=share-btn-copylink&st=JzDbpYtF1QrPKroAGpBm2pbSxc5y1-_nlalAq_p9frWl6XjOczsxo0bWQvNvq76u6M9qO1djL_MA38fCtQG2_JWP4cj9R_90CTw

Foreign Aid
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being sent as forms of aid to foreign countries and other forms of American engagement abroad, according to the omnibus bill. This spending has come under intense scrutiny in recent days.

The bill provides $1.4 billion under the 2018 Asia Reassurance Initiative Act. This law seeks to promote U.S. security interests in the Indo-Pacific region such as providing funds to counter certain destabilizing activities by the Chinese Communist Party and resisting emerging threats like the nuclear and ballistic missile programs of North Korea.

It also provides $500 million to Israel under the Israeli Cooperative Programs framework, which includes such expenditures as $73 million for procurement of Iron Dome defense system components to counter short-range rocket threats and $177 million for Israel’s Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense (SRBMD) program.

Moreover, Trump on Tuesday was concerned that a significant amount was going to other countries instead of struggling Americans.

“This bill contains $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia, $134 million to Burma, $1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military, which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military equipment, $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan, $505 million to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama,” he said.

Why can’t the American People get billions or trillions of dollars since our economy is shut down because of this Chinese virus pandemic??? China’s economy never shut down. Their economy – even their entertainment industry – has grown during this pandemic. Democrats and Democratic American People, who continue to vote for these corrupted Democrats without looking into what they did and do, are the problem. Let’s face it. Most Democrats do not really care, just like to be lazy and not do anything, and just rely on the government for money… and now they are being screwed for a low stimulus bill like third-class citizens of the USA behind foreign citizens, countries, and interest. That would just be the beginning. The Democratic party had gotten their kickbacks and raises during this whole pandemic fiasco conjuring up so much propaganda and discords to help themselves. The Left hatred, false accusations and allegations, lies, corruptions, interference/collusion with hostile domestic and foreign countries, entities, & individuals, Anti-America/Anti-Americans / Anti-Trump fascist Marxism rhetoric, discord, anarchy, and destructions MUST STOP. These corrupted Democratic and some Rhinos, who are truly Democrats in principle, politicians would get richer by the day while theses Democratic American People, who also drag the rest of the American People in the USA down, will be jobless, poor, under-skilled, under-educated, under control, and powerless. The joke is on the Democrat American People.

The American People will stay alive. The United States of America will stay alive. The U.S.A. Constitution will stay alive. GOD in our country, the USA, and in the soul of the America People will stay alive always.

Puerto Rico, Wake up! Copyright 2017  All rights reserved.

No claims to any music video, documentary video, store website, or public report. They shared information for discussion and view. The people who made these videos public and have shared them with the world. This post blog and article are also public and for sharing.

Rating: 1 out of 5.